Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Comfort ....

Motherhood by Pablo Picasso (1901)
Style: Post-Impressionism
Period: Blue Period
Genre: genre painting
Technique: oil
Material: canvas

Comfort Art .............

Sometimes something subtly renders a sweet contentment for you. So quietly it brings drops of joy to your heart and a pleasant smile to your lips. Such as these paintings by Pablo Picasso did for me on one rainy afternoon.

Pablo Picasso (1901)
Style: Post-Impressionism
Period: Blue Period
Genre: genre painting
Technique: oil
Material: Cardboard
Dimensions: 74.4 x 51.4 cm
Gallery: Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO, USA

And, in as much, so did quotes from ....... A Lantern in her Hand .....by Bess Streeter Aldrich!

"...... LOVE is more like a light that your carry.
At first childish happiness keeps it lighted
and after that romance.


lights it and then duty and maybe after that sorrow.
Yes, I think that

LOVE is ..............to a woman

.... a lantern in her hand."

Pablo Picasso (1902)
Style: Post-Impressionism
Period: Blue Period
Genre: genre painting
Technique: oil
Material: wood

Dimensions: 26.8 x 13.4 cm

As, so many times, in the deepest of the darkness of the darkest hours, the LIGHT from our mothers shines .......   and leads us through. 

Mother and a lantern of LOVE in her hand.

Pablo Picasso (1901)
Style: Post-Impressionism
Period: Blue Period
Genre: genre painting
Technique: oil
Material: canvas
Dimensions: 73 x 54 cm
Gallery: National Gallery, London, UK

For a mother, her child is her own heartbeats.  And.. 
For from the bottom of her heart, 
comes this cry:

"Because the road was steep and long,
And through a dark and lonely land,
God set upon my lips a song,
And put a lantern in my hand."

That is a real comfort a mother could render to her child.  
And that is a true art of comfort.



A Lantern in her Hand (1928)


Bess Streeter Aldrich, 1881-1954

For on-line reading: http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks05/0500521h.html