Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Simply Grateful!

Believe it, this was my 'make-do' hamburger!!!

Believe me, I am not a food-blogger, neither nearly close to a photographer.  But, I just can't resist sharing this JOY with you.

I have been a retiree for two years, and just learned to live a life of happily watching-the-world-go-by.  It is not always easy, especially after living the whole life hurry, hurry, ....... and hurry to accomplish the task either I did assign for myself, or others did so for me.  Yes, I am through with that so-called 'career world,' or the world that I used to tell myself that being good would never be a good enough.  I committed myself to chase after being better, and better ..... and forever better.  Looking back now, I guess that was far worse than striving after the 'best' or the 'very best,' for the 'better' had no end to it after all.

Anyway, I am here at this very moment to share with you how grateful I have been today, especially after having my comfort 'make-do' lunch.  The story of my JOY began like this:

I woke up into a gloomy morning, a surprise actually .........  as yesterday was a gorgeous sunny but cool day.  My husband had already come to say good-bye and been off to work.  I came out to greet the day and surprisingly found a half-full plastic bag of small bluish flowers sitting on the table, on the porch.  What a lovely finding of the day!!!  My neighbors had stopped by!  That put a great big smile on my face.

And, as far as an overcast day goes, there was nothing better than a nice cup of freshly brewed coffee from beans that recently roasted and ground by our special friends who farm it up on Baan Doi Chang, visiting with a young girl-friend, and watching 'Anne of Green Gables.'  You can see that I practically had a heavenly morning here on earth.

Yet, lunch arrived a bit too soon.  I dashed into the kitchen, grabbed prepared-ground pork, cut up some onion, took out my home-made bread which did not rise properly, and lastly those special flowers of friendship.  Right there and then, I fixed myself a really nice 'hamburger.'

Though it did not look, nor sounded, anywhere close to your traditional hamburger, except for the mayo and ketchup, but it was inevitably delicious.  Boy, it turned out to be a great and wonderful comfort food that made me want to sit down and write up something about it.

Yes, this 'make-do' hamburger stirred up my thankfulness heart.  This little thing made me smile for:
- a great day that God made and filled it with JOY for me
- my precious husband who is happy with what makes me happy
- my brother who allows us to live in this house for free of charge
- our friends & neighbors who keep giving us produce .... all of the
  greens showed in the photo was given to us.  They keep coming
  by and share theirs with us.
- being healthy to enjoy all the little things in life.

So, my dear friends, I am writing this just to let you know that I am so very grateful for all the JOY I have had.

May this JOY be yours for ever more.